Trustee Meeting – August 26, 2024

Trustee Meeting – August 26, 2024

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday August 12, 2024

6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with

Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.

● Tiffany opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

● Tiffany postponed the acceptance of the minutes until September 9th. .

● Tiffany made an announcement that Brian Kelderhouse has retained council and asked

for a continuance to take place on the next meeting September 9th.


● Angel Tarter Band Director Southeast Band would like to host a night of the races at the

Deerfield town hall February 8th.

● Tiffany made a motion to donate the use of the town hall for Southeast Band to raise

money for new instruments Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was


● Laura mentioned a welcome to Deerfield signs down by the Deerfield Cemetery and by

the skating rink that needs some TLC. Will revisit this in the future after gathering more

information and options to repair.

● Tiffany reviewed options from Portage County for assistance available to the residents of

Portage County

Public Commentary:

● Eileen Kutinski voiced concern about a ditch on German Church Rd installed by

Lexington Township with a hole that keeps getting bigger and she’s afraid someone will

get hurt. Ed stated that he has contacted Lexington before and told them about the issue

and will follow up. All trustees agreed that if Lexington will not fix the problem Deerfield

will.Tiffany thanked Eileen for bringing that to the boards attention.

Road Department:

● The F450 dump truck had an emergency repair for the water pump and was taken to

K&D Trucking.

● Ed made a motion to pay K&D trucking for both the F350& F450 truck repairs totaling

$4171.52. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes.The roll call vote was unanimous.

● Bandy Rd. Fewtown Rd.paving project contract had to be picked up at the Prosecutor’s

office and sent certified to Phillips Paving and Ed will get to it within the week.

● Ed made a suggestion to replace the 1994 Chevy pickup truck in rough condition, with a

new truck from EZ Motors.This new purchase will need additions to it before becoming

the new chaser truck for the road side mowing. The road side mowing truck now will be

used primarily as a cemetery truck and the 1994 Chevy pickup will be taken to the

Edinburg Auction. Ed made a motion to purchase the Truck from EZ Motors for

$22,288.50 pending Ed and Tim approving the test drive. Tiffany seconded and Laura

said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

● Tim has asked to consider hiring additional help or giving him a raise. Ed said that a lot of

time they don’t have work for 2 full time employees and asked for suggestions. Ed also

stated he wouldn’t mind giving Tim a raise; he has stepped up to the plate, works

additional hours to get things done and has been doing double duty ever since Roger


● Tiffany suggested giving Tim a manager position . Ed agreed and stated that Tim

suggested due to the road paving project and etc. that he be the point of contact for the

funerals/ burials so he can better coordinate dates with roadwork.

● Tiffany made sure it was with Nancy and Nancy stated she was not offended.

● Ed stated that lately funeral homes have been calling and scheduling their own dates.

The township needs to be the one to decide what date is available for funerals to avoid

conflict with other burials.

● Tiffany asked about the part time position as far as hours. Ed stated they could revisit the

hours as far as offering a certain amount or seasonal or permanent when they were


● Ed stated that he did receive notice that a new resident would like to apply for a township

position and all agreed to take his resume and keep it on file.

● Tim asked for a third of Rogers wages in the amount of $12,666 a year which is a $6.00

an hour raise.

● Tiffany suggested making Tim a salary position since he does work a lot after hours. They

all agreed to take time and look into everything and decided to table this issue until the

next meeting.


● Cameras are up.

● 1 cremation burial since last meeting.

● Weed eating needs to be done before Labor Day

Buildings & Grounds:

● Tim asked for approval for $1,000 for seeds, fertilizer, lawn treatment etc.

● Ed made a motion to approve $1,000 for lawn products to be used throughout the

township.Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

● 2 Quotes for the parking lot cracks Skibiski bid was $ 6,8550, Whites bid was $ 7,350.00

● Ed made a motion to use Skibiski to have the parking lot cracks sealed and restriped.

● Roof has been restored over the meter at the fire department.

● Buzzer and doorbell button have been replaced at the fire department.

● The head of the claims at OTARMA has given approval to move forward with the repairs

at the circle.

● Approval was received from the insurance adjuster to replace the concrete around the

monument both Adam Beal Fencing and Chris Sutcliffe are still willing to complete the


● Ed made a motion to hire Adam Beal Fencing to replace the Fence around the

monument and Chris Sutcliffe Concrete to replace the base of the monument.Tiffany

seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

● Laura asked when the gazebo will be raised Ed said they are waiting for approval for the

architect before they remove it.

● Tiffany asked if the insurance covered the Christmas decorations. Ed stated that the

decorations and the benches etc. will all be covered.

● Tim suggested a privacy fence where the shrubs are between the Circle restaurant and

the fire department. Scott agreed and Laura asked if Adam Beal would quote and Tiffany

offered to get a fence quote too.

● Tiffany asked about trees in Deerfield and Hartzell cemetery and the stump by the old

town hall. Ed has tried to meet with the company but got pushed back due to a job. Ed

also stated he would like to see the stump gone but it’s not township property. Tiffany is

writing another letter to the owners to see if progress can be made to clean that area up.

● Tiffany asked about baseball and the removal of port-a-potties. Ed asked if they could

keep the port-a potty until after the Apple Butter Festival and all agreed.

Fire Department:

● Chief Dean announced 243 total calls year to date.

● Received multiple records request Attorney Bencze is helping to work through this


● Chief Garvin asked for assistance at the football games September 20th and September


● Laura made a motion to send 1 squad to the football games on September 20th & 27th.

Tiffany seconded and Ed said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Tiffany explained that the certification expired on the SAM grant program. The

account is locked by Scott Simmons and can’t be accessed at the moment to

change anything. Tiffany is looking into further detail on how to gain access.

Brian Allison was also asked to help assist.

● Ed addressed the issue of all the previous fire chiefs that are on the email list

from FEMA and should not be. Ed stated that the grant writer is not willing to step

up or help remove them. Trustees decided to look into finding a new grant writer

and discuss at the next meeting.

● Chief Dean asked the trustees if they had any information on the Jr Firefighter


● Laura suggested going into Southeast Local to recruit high schoolers to join the

Jr Firefighter program.

● Chief Dean spoke with OTARMA insurance adjuster and the adjuster is sending

more information on what can and cannot be done as far as procedures and

such for the Jr firefighters program.

● Tanker 14 has a valve issue not able to discharge on the passenger side and

needs repaired.

● Ed made the motion to take tanker 24 to Applecreek for repairs Tiffany seconded

and Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Squad 14 is being repaired and checked over for other issues.

● Anthony Poplio resigned to go full time at the sheriff’s department.

● TIffany thanked Anthony for his service to the Fire Department

● Chief Dean congratulated Alicia Bardelli completed her 36 hour firefighter class

● Chief Dean congratulated Todd Bardelli completed his hazmat train the trainer


● Ed mentioned reimbursement for the mileage involved in both of their courses.

● Todd requested to go to Fire officer 1&2 program in Mahoning county $850

● Ed made the motion for Todd Bardelli to attend the Fire officer 1&2 program in

Mahoning county for $850. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call

vote was unanimous.

Public Commentary:

● Eileen Kutinski told a joke.

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded, Ed said yes and the roll call

vote was unanimous.