Trustee Meeting – October 14, 2024

Trustee Meeting – October 14, 2024

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday October

14, 2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with

Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.

Tiffany called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with the Pledge of


● Tiffany made the motion to accept the July 8 meeting minutes Ed seconded, Laura said

yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

● On the August 12th meeting minutes Tiffany asked to add that while Dan Young was live

streaming there was a question and the trustees decided not to answer it.

● Tiffany made a motion to accept the August 12 meeting minutes with the decision not to

answer the live stream question via third-party stream be added to the minutes second

Ed said yes the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Ed made a motion to accept the financial statement Laura seconded Tiffany yes the roll

call vote was unanimous.

● September 9 meeting, minutes were tabled until the next meeting.

● Laura made a motion to accept September 17 minutes Tiffany second Ed voted yes roll

call vote was unanimous.

● Tiffany made a motion that no discussion, questions or comments be answered Live

stream The person either needs to be in person or send a written letter. Laura seconded.

Ed said yes the roll call vote was unanimous.


● Laura shared an email from Captain Finsen of the Portage county sheriff

department in regards to the complaint against trustee Havens, they found that

there are no criminal violations.No criminal complaint was justified under that


● Laura made a motion to enter the investigation report into public record Ed

seconded and Tiffany abstained Ed said yes Laura said yes Tiffany abstained.

● Laura made an announcement that the Deerfield cemetery bizarre would be on

November 9 1 to 4 at the United Methodist Church $12 per person with ham

dinner provided.

● Tiffany asked for An update for a complaint/investigation for the fire department.

The prosecutor was asking for more information.

● Tiffany asked Denise Adams for an update regarding trick or treat. Denise

announced the Civics Association was hosting Trunk or Treat at the Town-hall

with a DJ and a costume contest to follow. Denise said anyone that wanted to

pass out candy was welcome to join.

● Tracey announced the elections will be at the Deerfield town hall November 5.

● Ed announced Ohio Public Works commission will be opening grants available to

townships for parks and recreational areas soon.

Public Commentary:

● Bobbi Williams reads her statement addressing rumors and slanderous

comments she’s been hearing throughout the township. She asks the trustees to

address the issues going on and get it to stop.

● Derek addressed the board about how members of the fire department need to

be respectful to the elected officials. The culture is bad and needs to be fixed.

Road Department:

● Tiffany spoke with Mr. Hoskin and he is not opposed to anyone fixing the

Deerfield Township sign.

● Ed made a motion to pay K&D Trucking an additional $1548.42 for repairs to the

oil pan on the dump truck. Laura second and Tiffany said yes the roll call vote

was unanimous.

● Ed made a motion to purchase a rubber bed mat for the 2019 F250 pick up truck

Laura seconded Tiffany said yes the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Ed made a motion to get up to three loads of washed #3 gravel from a place in

Cleveland as needed Tiffany second Laura said yes roll call vote was unanimous.

● Johnson Road will be closed at the S curve to safely dig the ditch on the 17th for

30-45 minutes.

● Roof on the salt shed should be repaired within the next 10 to 14 days. Insurance

will reimburse the township for the roof.

Buildings & Grounds:

● They have a head start Rototilling the graves this year.

● Raylynn Tree Service reserve submitted a quote of $3000 to trim branches at the

cemeteries. The Deerfield Cemetery Association had a meeting and voted to pay

1500 towards the trees to be trimmed.

● Tiffany made a motion for Raelyn tree service to trim the trees in the cemetery

provided the ground is dry enough not to do damage. And pending full payment

from the cemetery association, Ed seconded, Laura said yes the roll call was


● Ed made a suggestion to replace blinds and add some on the doors throughout

the town hall with Nopec approval. The board agreed to have Ed proceed with

requesting quotes.

● Both crack sealing and chip & seal jobs have been completed.

● Tiffany asked for an update on the gazebo Ed stated that insurance approved

Zach Ranta and Zach just recently got the go ahead to begin demolition. Once

the board approves Zach’s work the insurance company will send Zach a check.

● The monument lighting and cement have all been repaired in the circle.

● Tiffany asked Who the electrical work was done by and who hired them.

● Laura questioned if this person had a workman’s comp?

● Ed answered Brian Edward’s and is a Licensed Electrician who lives in the

township who has done several other electrical jobs for the township and was

approved by the insurance company to do the repair. Ed took full responsibility

that he hired them without checking if he carried workman’s comp or insurance.

● Tiffany Made a motion that no one member has authority to hire any contractor,

whether it’s paid by insurance or any other entity without board approval for

anything that represents the township. Laura seconded, Ed said yes, roll call vote

was unanimous.

● Tiffany questioned Township property being used during a civics event by

someone who was not insured and brought up the liability issues along with

doing that.Stating that going forward use of Township property should be brought

to the board before use.

Fire Department:

● Assistant Chief Dayannounced call report for the month of 31 calls 19 EMS 12 fire

● Assistant Chief Day thanked the 9 squads that showed up to assist a total loss fire call.

A few other departments assisted in a brush fire a few days after that.

● Tiffany made a motion to accept the quote forFallsway Equipment for the pump testing

$1759. Laura seconded, Ed said yes the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Tiffany made a motion to accept the quote for MES to hydro test cylinder $115 Laura

second Ed said yes the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Tiffany made a motion to accept the Fire Force quote SCBA testing $957 Laura

second Ed said yes roll call was unanimous

● Tiffany made a motion to purchase a floating strainer for $655 Ed second, Laura said

yes the roll call vote was unanimous.

● Assistant Chief Day to renew the monthly Microsoft Excel subscription and the township

to reimburse him.

● Assistant Chief Day working on getting all vendors to identify the Deerfield fire

department and under the same name as the state of Ohio.

● FCC license is in the process of switching to Assistant Chief Day‘s name.

● BWC is being switched over from Miles Flemley to Assistant Chief Day.

● BWC grant provided three sets of turnout gear in one year from receipt providing a case

study about how the equipment is working out.

● Tiffany provided information on how Fire Department members can access their new

email accounts.

● Assistant Chief Day stated that he and Chief Dean request that all township business

related emails go through the Deerfield Fire Department email account only.

● Derek brought up that he would like to present a maintenance schedule and cost for the

fire equipment to be presented for approval at our January organizational meeting.

● Due to discrepancy in grant funds the Ram for the truck was paid for out of the fire


● After receiving 2 grants for a fence in the fire department Derek does not think this is a


● Ideas were brought up about an open house for the fire department.

● Couldn’t participate in the Southeast football game due to not having the ambulance


Old Business

● Fraud training, Tracey stated she still needed some from the fire department to


New Business

● Tiffany made a motion for the Portage County Health Department to come and set up a

flu vaccine clinic. Ed seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

● Tiffany made a Chris zito

● Asked several times about the investigation currently going on with and what are the

next steps.for the road department position.

● Ed made a motion to advertise for the road department position online and township

signs Laura seconded, Tiffany said yes roll call vote was unanimous.

● Assistant chief day asked about the purchase of a new ambulance in the future. The

board agreed to review the options.

Public Commentary:

● Denise Adams spoke about appreciating the fire department as a whole, her

disappointment with some of the actions lately. About her opinion with the Ethical issue

with the electric at the circle we can go back to the old town hall. She also asked a

question about using personal vehicles/ equipment on township property.

● Chris zito Asked several times about the investigation currently going on in regards to

Bobbi Williams and asked what are the next steps to get this issue with the Fire

department resolved.

● Tiffany asked assistant chief day if he could offer any insight towards the issues going on

inside the fire department as far as sexual harassment and bullying, etc.

● Assistant chief day said that it is an ongoing issue and it does need to stop. They need

to set policies and procedures, and the ship needs to be turned in the right direction.

● Todd Bartoli suggested getting a lock with the code, unique to fit each member of the fire


● Derek stated that we don’t need the prosecutor to hold our hand and the fire department

should be able to discipline.

● Laura questioned Derek about the fire department being able to discipline.

● The question was whether the fire department was only permitted to suspend for 2 days.

● Ed replied they could suspend immediately until the trustees could get the prosecutor to

address. Current policy states up to 2 days.

● Tiffany asked if There should be a second meeting this month Assistant Chief Day

suggested a work meeting to work on the policies and procedures.

work meeting scheduled October 28 at 6 PM

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded, Ed said yes and the roll call

vote was unanimous.

________________________ ________________________

Tiffany Havens Ed Dean

Chairperson Trustee

________________________ ________________________

Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean

Trustee Fiscal Officer