The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in work session on Monday October 28,
2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with
Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.
Deerfield Fire Department Chief Dean, Assistant Chief Day, Todd Bardelli, Brian Allison.
Attorney Brett Betz.
Tiffany called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with the Pledge of
Tiffany invited Chief Dean to start with his agenda.
Chief Dean inquired about the grant cycle deadline. It was determined that the deadline
for the grant cycle is 90 days before December 20, 2025.
Attorney Brett Betz will do paper work.
It was determined that public funds cannot be used for levy use and the township
officials are only to provide information.
Alicia Bardelli questioned what the money from the levy would be used for.
Ed explained that both the new addition and the septic system at the fire department and
that will deplete most of the fire department funds.
Derek Day gave an update on the grant overview.
Tiffany made a motion for pump testing & maintenance to be done on the engine up to
$3500. Ed senconed and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Ed made a motion to have K&D trucking for needed repairs to the grass truck. Laura
seconded and Tiffany said yes.
There was agreement to create a general employee handbook with policies and
Todd Bardelli gave examples of how they are trying to move forward with the policies
and procedures but some examples of the roadblocks are that they can’t decon after
fires due to the condition of the water, septic at the fire department. Also that each
member should have 2 sets of fire gear and they do not.
Alicia Bardelli questioned how to get more people interested in the fire department with
all the chaos that surrounds it. How to get more people interested in raising money/ help
With the fire department.
Todd Bardelli mentioned some of the issues inside the fire department were discipline
and that everyone should be disciplined the same.
Vallie Teague explained the fire department needs good clean water to wash dishes,
shower and wash clothing due to bodily fluid exposure from calls.
Ed explained that in the blue prints for the addition to the fire department there will be 2
separate showers and 2 separate bathrooms along with 2 sets of washers and dryers.
Tiffany suggested a temporary fix of a shower set up in the garage and suggested it be
looked into.
Alicia Bardelli stated that the issues with SOPS are that they have to follow protocol and
that the township isn’t up to par with their end of things such as the bacteria in the water.
Tiffany suggested looking into water filtration systems.
Assistant Chief Day expressed that he feels discipline should be held with inside the fire
department and explained the steps for discipline verbal (kept in file for 2 years)
Suspension, dismissal.
Tiffany explained that discipline should be an opportunity for improvement.
The fire department suggested the trustees have an employees hand book to cover
basic employee policies ie:attendance, sexual harassment etc. for all to follow. In
addition to the handbook the fire department will also have SOP’s
Chief Dean explained that the fire department feels lack of support from the trustees as
far as discipline.
Alicia Bardelli stated that the trustees can’t pick and choose what is to be followed in the
hand book and what isn’t. If it’s in the handbook or SOP’s , SOG’s to decon after every
fire, they should have the means to do that. And that if you pick and choose you are
going to have a lawsuit. She asked Attorney Betz if she was correct in thinking that.
Attorney Brett Betz said that he couldn’t provide legal advice only that inconsistency
wouldn’t be good for the township going forward. Also that legally the only thing the fire
department has to bring before the board is a removal. Attorney Brett Betz also feels that
it is good practice for the fire chief and assistant chief officers to be their own chain of
It was agreed to obtain a handbook/manual from OTA or OTARMA all review and
suggest changes for the next meeting.
Assistant Chief Day stated that the anti-sexual harassment training, mental health training are
all issues that need to be attended in person and not online. And need to be taken seriously.
Alicia Bardelli found a sexual harassment info via the OTA website and emailed to TIffany.
Chief Dean to put a committee together for activities.
Tiffany made a motion to pay fees up to $500.00 as soon as received in for the fire department’s
new addition. Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Tiffany announced the portage county health department and UH is coming to do flu shots,
blood pressure, cholesterol checks. Please come.
Laura brought up the complaint from Bobbi Williams and stated that they had not received any
additional information about the complaint.
Ed asked if the complaint was handed over to the trustees is it the trustees responsibility to
move forward?
Attorney Brett Betz stated the investigation could be either internally or by a private individual as
done previously in the past.
Assistant Chief Day stated that he felt like that needed to be handled externally.
Zack Ranta asked if the statement was made, what is there to investigate? Why does it have to
go to the criminal level?
Brian Allison suggested talking internally about how to proceed with the complaint made by
Bobbi Williams and advise next meeting.
Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call
vote was unanimous.
________________________ ________________________
Tiffany Havens Ed Dean
Chairperson Trustee
________________________ ________________________
Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean
Trustee Fiscal Officer