The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday November
11, 2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with
Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.
Tiffany called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with the Pledge of
● Ed thanked all the veterans for their service.
● Tiffany announced a moment of silence for the veterans
● Laura made a motion to approve the September 9th meeting minutes with 1 change from
Tims name to Ed. Ed seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany tabled the October 14th meeting minutes until the next meeting.
● Tiffany made a motion to approve the October 2024 financials. Laura seconded and Ed
said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany asked Ed to provide information on the meeting for the future roundabout
on 225. Ed stated the meeting went over the logistics of the traffic flow while the
roundabout is under construction. There is another meeting in the future for the
residents date to be determined in the future.
● Laura announced that OTARMA is offering a free sexual harassment and bullying
training on site.
Road Department:
● Tiffany announced there were 18 applications for the road department position.
● Laura made a motion to start interviewing for the road department position on
Saturday the 23rd from 9-12. Tiffany seconded Ed said yes and the roll call vote
was unanimous.
● Ed gave an update that the signs are well on the way to being done for the grant.
● Ed made a motion for HW Door to replace the overhead door in the township
garage. Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call was unanimous.
● Ed announced that there are 2 funerals this week.
● Continuing leaf clean up in the cemeteries and the circle.
● The Sims program is not up to date and the program is on verge of being
outdated and needs an upgrade. The board will possibly discuss moving forward
at the next meeting.
● The township employees have replaced the trash can at Mottown Cemetery
Ed stated whomever is putting the dirt in the trash can needs to stop, it’s hard to
empty and it’s for trash only.
● Ed made a motion to pay Springers for the 2 tires they put on the cemetery trailer
approximately $120 each. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call
vote was unanimous.
Buildings & Grounds:
● Roof on the salt shed is finished and looks good. The insurance company
approved new supports due to the old being rusty and unsafe. Ed to call and tell
insurance the building is done and they will issue the final reimbursement. The
township does have a $500 deductible.
● Tiffany thanked the health department and University Hospital for the health fair
they had at the townhall and hopes to make it a yearly thing.
Fire Department:
● Chief Dean announced the call report for the month of 37 calls 18 EMS 9 fire 4 service
calls and 6 motor vehicle accidents and 330 calls for the year.
● Chief Dean introduced an applicant for EMT Cody who is currently in paramedic school
expected to graduate in June.
● Tiffany moved to hire Cody with a 1 year probationary period. Laura seconded and Ed
said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Ed suggested drilling the well while the project is still being worked on so the fire
department can have good water. Davidson provided a quote for a new 250 ft well at
$20,500. The board agreed to continue with finding options to drill the well prior to the
project being finished.
● The fire department is putting a team together for community outreach and will have
more information at the next meeting.
● Tiffany reached out to surrounding fire departments in the county for suggestions for an
investigator. The name given was Robert Keller, a retired fire chief from Brimfield.
● Ed made a motion that if Bobbi Williams decides to move forward with the complaint
that the investigation be done by Robert Keller.
● Tiffany moved to enter into executive session for charges or complaints against a public
employee. Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany moved to exit the executive session and enter into the regular session. Laura
seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
New Business
● Tracey announced she will be hiring an assistant fiscal officer just for the minutes and
pay for $16 an hour.
● Ed made the motion to hire an assistant fiscal officer for the minutes to be hired at the
township part time rate. Laura seconded and Tiffany abstained. Laura said yes Ed said
yes Tiffany abstained.
Public Commentary:
● Brian Allison expressed his frustration that Tiffany mentioned him as being one of the
people in the group on the police report. Brian felt that the statement was false and
asked her to please only put factual information on a police report.
Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded, Ed said yes and the roll call
vote was unanimous.
________________________ ________________________
Tiffany Havens Ed Dean
Chairperson Trustee
________________________ ________________________
Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean
Trustee Fiscal Officer