The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday December
9, 2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with
Trustees, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.
Tiffany called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with the Pledge of
● Tiffany stated that the meeting minutes from October 14th were missing topics talked
about with the fire department and decided to table these minutes.
● October 28th meeting minutes needed some additions.
● Tiffany tabled the financials and meeting minutes from the November 11th meeting.
● Tiffany shared a communication from thenPortage County Parks District about a
grant they plan to offer in 2025 and would like to see Deerfield receive the grant.
● Laura stated that she had already emailed Liz Craycroft and answered the
questions for the grant. There is no local match required but the township is
required to pay up front and the grant amounts to $100,000 for the entire county.
Public Commentary:
● Robert Keller requested he share the results of his investigation with the fire
department in executive session at the end of the meeting.
Road Department:
● Tiffany updated the township on the hiring of a part time employee for the road
department. She announced Mike Richeson was the chosen candidate for the
position. Also hired Brian Hackleroad as a per diem employee.
● Tiffany announced that Tim was going to look into the welcome to Deerfield sign.
● The F450 had a leak in the transmission line while installing a culvert, and
needed emergency repair Ed ok’d the F450 to be repaired by Fairway Ford for
emergency in the amount of $886.00.
● Tiffany made a motion to approve the emergency repairs needed for the F450 in
the amount of approximately $886.00 Laura seconded and the roll call vote was
● Tiffany made a motion for the following repairs to be done at Fairway Ford on the
F450. Wheel bearing, tie rod and alignment not to exceed $1700.00. Laura
agreed and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● All salt from the previous year’s contract has all been delivered.
● The salt from the county has been delivered as well.
Buildings & Grounds:
● Tiffany thanked Tim for putting up the snowflakes.
● TIffany thanked everyone that helped decorate the circle for Christmas.
● Blueprints for the gazebo have been turned into the building department for
● A Lot of the Christmas decorations were destroyed in the accident at the circle
last year. Tiffany submitted a receipt for the replacement Christmas decorations
to be reimbursed by insurance.
● Tiffany made a motion to be reimbursed for the Christmas decorations and Laura
seconded. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Fire Department:
● Todd Bardelli announced call report for the month of 29 calls 19- EMS 2- fire 1- service
7-MVA 354 year to date
● The fire department used the money from the MORE grant to purchase power tools
Deerfield Farms made a donation of $4,000 and they would like to use that as an add
on for the tools battery operated chainsaw, charger and conversion kit. The donation
from Deerfield Farms would be used to purchase additional batteries and chargers.
● Community outreach committee has been put together.
● The fire department participated in meeting the firefighters and Santa at the Dollar
General on Saturday.
● Engine 14 is at Fallsway motors finishing up repairs that were on backorder.
● Tiffany made a motion to repair the shock tower on the brush 14 truck at Fairway for up
to $1,000. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Cistern has been drained, flushed and refilled.
● The officers have their emails set up and working. Firefighters are also working on
obtaining their new email.
● Board stated that mandatory training for all employees will be on December 18th for the
in-person sexual harassment and bullying training from OTARMA the township
insurance. There will be 2 sessions 1pm and 6pm.
Old Business
● Gazebo will be demolished and blue prints have been submitted for the new
New Business
● Tiffany made a motion for the trustees, employees, fiscal officer and assistant fiscal
officer to attend the OTA conference for 2025 and $25 a day allowance for meals. Laura
seconded and the roll call was unanimous.
● There was discussion of the cemetery computer program options and on reaching out to
the Atwater Sexton on the Atwater cemetery set up for a possible option.
● Tiffany made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss an investigation of a
complaint towards a public employee. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was
● Tiffany made a motion to exit the executive session and enter into regular session. Laura
seconded. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany made a motion to write a letter of reprimand to a fire department employee and
send a copy to the involved parties. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was
● Robert Keller added that the chairperson of the board should contact the employee to go
over the reprimand.
● Robert stated that the investigation went smoothly.
● Brian asked if Tiffany got a chance to go over a report from Tiffany given to the Portage
County Sheriff’s office. Tiffany asked Brian to contact her personally as this was not a
board issue.
Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded, and the roll call vote was
________________________ ________________________
Tiffany Havens Ed Dean
Chairperson Trustee
________________________ ________________________
Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean
Trustee Fiscal Officer