Trustee Meeting – January 6th 2025 

 Trustee Meeting – January 6th 2025 

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday January 6th, at the Deerfield Town Hall with 

Trustees, Charles “Ed” Dean,Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present. 

Tiffany called the meeting to order Ed seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Tiffany made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from December 9th minutes as written Laura seconded and Ed said yes.The roll call vote was unanimous. 


● The Portage County Combined General Health District was asking about the odor coming from the mechanical system sewage stop. The type of system that this is has a grate allowing gasses and odor. Tim will call and explain the system to The Portage County General Health District. 

Road Department: 

● Ed made a motion to pay ever bright for $360.00 the cost of new control for the F450 Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. salting as needed. 

● New employee’s training is going good. 

Buildings & Grounds: 

● Ed made a motion to replace all 6 toilets in the restroom due to water pressure and back-up issues, and use NOPEC money to fund it. Laura seconded and 

Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● There was discussion about the electric sign at the circle. Tim is going to take care of it. 

● Ed stated that there were issues with the blinds from Lowes and that has been taken care of. Now the blinds are on hold until NOPEC awards have been given after the first of February. 

● No updates on the gazebo we are still waiting for corrections on the blue prints from the architects. 

Fire Department: 

● 386 calls for 2024 

● Ed made a motion for the fire department to purchase $500.00 worth of batteries at $40-$50 each. Tiffany seconded Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Ed made a motion to purchase batteries for the life packs up to $4500 Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Tiffany made a motion for the fire department indemnity board to consist of: Ed Dean/ TIffany Havens , Todd Bardelli / BrianAllison, Zach Ranta Ed seconded Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Ed made a motion to adopt the Ohio Fire Code Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Derk talked about a plan for yearly maintenance and inspections for the fire department equipment. More information to come at the next meeting (see attached). 

● Derek asked to enter into the executive session to discuss personnel issues. 

● There was discussion about the status of the new roof. Right now there will be patching until weather permits moving forward with the project. 

● Ed would like to continue with removing/ tearing down of a damaged/ burnt structure across from the post office. Ed made a motion for Bennett Land Title to order a title search when ready. Tiffany seconded Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous. 

● TIffany made a motion to formally accept Brian Kelderhouse’s resignation. 

● Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Tiffany made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss possible disciplinary action against a member of the fire department. Ed seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Tiffany made a motion to exit the executive session and enter into regular session. Laura seconded and Ed said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous. 

Old Business 

● Tiffany asked about the Township Association Webinar and the township is the process of signing up. 

New Business 

● Ed addressed due to a large number of public records requests that some fee be enforced to recoup expenses for flash drives etc. 

● Ed addressed the records retention schedule and discussed disposal of the old records once addressed with The Ohio Historical Society. 

● Ed addressed rescheduling any meetings falling on a legal holiday. 

● Ed made a motion to eliminate the $500 emergency money fund. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Discussion about the Township Association Dinner Ed suggested paying for individually instead of the township paying for the trustees. Ed Made the motion Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Ed made a motion to purchase a video camera and microphone for a digital copy of the meetings going forward up to $500. Laura seconded and TIffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

● Ed made a motion for no second meeting in January. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous. 

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Ed seconded, and the roll call vote was unanimous. 

________________________ ________________________ 

Tiffany Havens Ed Dean 

Chairperson Trustee 

________________________ ________________________ 

Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean 

Trustee Fiscal Officer