Trustee Special Meeting March 2022

Trustee Special Meeting March 2022

Special Trustee Meeting – March 19, 2022

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met for a special meeting on Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 8:00am with Trustees Mark Bann, Charles “Ed” Dean and Tiffany Havens present to discuss the safety of the ballfields & the possible engagement of a contract with the Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association for this upcoming season.

Mark made a motion to move the meeting to the ballfields at this time to meet with a contractor to discuss the repairs that need to be made to the fencing and discuss the general safety and repairs that need to be made to the ballfields, bleachers, fences, etc. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Due to Deerfield Township’s insurance risk audit, all bleachers were removed since they did not have the appropriate backs and railings necessary. The team benches at the fields have all risen out of the ground. Repairs will need to be made to these prior to the upcoming season for safety reasons. Six (6) picnic tables were purchased and owned by Deerfield Township that may be used for seating during the games. The fencing has several loose caps and tie wires in the fencing that will need to be repaired and or replaced.

Mark made a motion to return the meeting to the Deerfield Town Hall. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Deerfield Township Trustees are awaiting a quotation to repair and/or replace the fencing at the ballfields. Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association offered to donate 50% of the cost up to $3,000, or a maximum of $1,500. Mark made a motion to accept Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association donation of 50% up to a total cost of $3,000, or $1,500 maximum for the fencing repairs. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Deerfield Township Trustees indicated the benches need to be repaired prior to the start of the upcoming season at Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association.

Deerfield Township Trustees agreed to provide one (1) porta jon throughout the season.

Deerfield Township Trustees have the right to have exclusive use after giving the Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association an appropriate 30-day notice for scheduled events. At this time, the only event that is scheduled is the Deerfield Applebutter Festival which is held on the second Saturday in October each year, or October 8, 2022 for this upcoming year.

Deerfield Township Trustees informed Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association that no parking is permitted at the Deerfield Town Hall parking lot due to renters renting out the Deerfield Township Town Hall, especially on weekend days.


However, parking is permitted at the ballfields, the old Oaks Building and the Deerfield Township Garage.

Deerfield Township Trustees agreed to put a dumpster in the name of Deerfield Township at the ballfields and pay for up to four (4) months in exchange for accepting a donation from Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association towards said dumpsters. Trash cans are to be emptied after each practice, game, etc. by Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association. Mark Bann made a motion to accept this donation from the Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Deerfield Township will provide electrical outlets. Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association is responsible to provide any extension cords needed accordingly.

Deerfield Township Trustees agreed to allow Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association usage of the water located at the Deerfield Township Garage.

Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association is responsible to maintain all the fields and Deerfield Township is responsible for mowing the grass.

Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association will have ninety (90) days to get all association items out of the buildings at the end of the season.

Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association must provide Deerfield Township with a certificate of insurance prior to any activity. In the draft contract, Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association requirement to provide copies of the policies to Deerfield Township will be removed. Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association requested, if possible to remove the right for Deerfield Township to increase the insurance limits required since these limits are set by the league and they are unable to be increased.

Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association requested a 180 day notice be given by Deerfield Township should the contract need to be terminated by sale of premises, alternate use, etc. so it doesn’t interrupt them mid-season.

Access to the buildings by Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association is only permitted by a handful of designated persons only.

Mark made a motion to accept the draft contract between Deerfield Township and the Southeast Youth Baseball and Softball Association presented with the changes above discussed pending prosecutor approval for the upcoming season. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to hire Bill Dye, permitting his quotation comes back at a cost of approximately $3,000 to repair and/or replace fencing. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


Mark made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05am.