June 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

June 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustee Meeting – June 13, 2022

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, June 13, 2022, at 5:30pm, with Trustees Tiffany Havens, Ed Dean and Mark Bann pre- sent. Chairman Bann opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Tiffany moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous meeting and approve them as written. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Ed moved to approve the May financials as presented. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


 The U.S. Census Bureau is accepting cases for the 2020 Post-Census Group Quarters Review (PCGQR) beginning June 6, 2022 until June 30, 2023 to provide a mechanism for governmental units to review their population counts for group quarters they believe were not counted correctly as of April 1, 2020.

Resolution No. 22-17



WHEREAS, the Township of Deerfield, Ohio (the “GRANTEE”) is a member of the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (“NOPEC”) and is eligible for one or more NOPEC Energized Community Grant(s) for 2022 (“NEC Grant(s)”) as provided for in the NEC Grant Program guidelines; and

WHEREAS, the GRANTEE wishes to enter into a Grant Agreement with NOPEC, Inc. in substantially the form presented to this Board of Trustees to receive one or more NEC Grant(s); and


SECTION 1. This Board of Trustees of the GRANTEE (the “Board”) finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the GRANTEE to enter into the Grant Agreement to accept the NEC Grant(s) for 2022, and authorizes the President of the Board to execute the Grant Agreement to accept the NEC Grant(s) funds.

SECTION 2. This Board finds and determines that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the adoption of this Resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board and that all deliberations of this Board and of any committees that resulted in those formal actions were in meetings open to the public in compliance with the law.

SECTION 3. This Resolution is declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare of the GRANTEE;


wherefore, this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval by the President of the Board of Trustees of the GRANTEE.

Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Dean Yes Mr. Ban Yes Ms. Havens Yes

Adopted: June 13, 2022

  •  Ohio 811 would like for Deerfield Township to consider switching our current Limited Basis Participant (LBP) membership to a voting membership type. As a member of the Government LBP membership type, Deerfield Township’s dollar amount for each locate request is $1.25. As a full Governmental Voting Member, each locate cost is $0.38. Our 2022 annual billing cost was $248.31, but had we been a full GVM member, the cost would have only been approximately $75.24. Also as a GVM member, Deerfield Township has the option to choose either a grid (1/4 square mile) or polygon database that can further narrow the number of locate requests received, which could save more money. Ed made a motion to change Deerfield Township’s membership with Ohio 811 from an LBP membership to a GVM membership. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Tiffany made a motion to change the monthly Trustee meetings to the 2nd Mondays at 6:00pm. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  •  Ed made a motion for Tiffany and Nancy to attend a Round Table Meeting in Bowling Green, Ohio and to reimburse them for mileage and a meal per Tiffany’s request. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.Fire Department: Scott Simmons provided a verbal report for the fire department on activity since the last meeting. The fire department is up to approximately 253 runs for the year, with 58 ran since the last meeting, which includes 36 EMS calls, 5 fires, 5 smoke investigations, 5 motor vehicle accidents, 1 burning complaint, 1 lake call, 5 mutual aids and 2 public assists.The Indemnity Committee has not yet met this year, which is a committee formed to take care of the family in the event of need during the line of duty. Mark made a motion to nominate Donn Bell as a member of the community, Robert Abbuhl & Clare Simpson as members from the Fire Department and Ed Dean and Tiffany Havens as members from the Trustee Board, nominating Clare Simpson as Secretary. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.Unit #1415, the mini pumper is back in service. Two batteries and the alternator were replaced by the Road Department.


The Fire Department requested a Lowe’s card for the Fire Department to purchase shelving, peg board, night lights that need replaced & would like to replace with LED lights, if possible.

Vaughn requested a couple estimates on repairing the ambulance garage door. The bottom panel needs replaced and some of the rollers along with safety eyes to the opener to protect it. He will provide these estimates at the next meeting.

Ed made a motion to pay for Brian Kelderhouse to attend the safety divers class at a cost of $435. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Brian Kelderhouse purchased and provided all his gear to attend this class.

The Deerfield Fire Department has begun to receive the new radios for the 2022 MARCS grant. They will be installed the week of June 27th. Once installed, Deerfield Township Fire Department will be moving their communications. The grant will reimburse Deerfield Township. Training will begin this week.

The fax machine is not currently working at the Fire Station. Deerfield Township fiscal office has an extra all in one machine that they can allow use by the Deerfield Fire Department.

Deerfield Township participated in both the Memorial Day Parade and the Sebring Firefighters Parade. They received several positive reviews on the Memorial Day Parade. The Deerfield Sirenettes and the Association is planning their annual chili cook-off on November 6, 2022.

Mark made a motion to pay Lewis Land Professionals, Inc. Civil Engineering & Land Surveying a total of $10,000 to complete the Topographic Survey, OEPA Discharging Septic System Design, OEP Application Forms and Antidegradation Report to start the process to upgrade the septic at the Deerfield Fire Department. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The pumper truck has a vibration at 45mph and the brakes are out of adjustment.

Cemeteries: There have been four (4) cremation burials since the last meeting.

The Army Corp is looking into removing the bird boxes located around the Hartzell Cemetery due to an incident where a volunteer checking these boxes was blocked in during a funeral, interrupted a burial ceremony and was rude to the family involved.

The new door at the chapel has been installed.

Buildings & Grounds: Deerfield Township Trustees are accepting quotes to update the roofs on the maintenance garage, the concession building, etc.

Lots of compliments have been received on the flowers at the Deerfield Circle. 3

Road Department: Mark made a motion to purchase fifteen (15) loads of asphalt & road material. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to purchase a load of stone for burm material. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

New Business: A Deerfield Township Girl Scouts troop attended the meeting and requested the use of the Deerfield Town Hall a couple times per month for meetings. The Trustees approved their request upon receipt of their 100,000 certificate of insurance.

The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Mark made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.