April 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

April 2022 Trustee Meeting Minutes

Trustee Meeting – April 11, 2022

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, April 11, 2022, at 5:30pm, with Trustees Ed Dean, Mark Bann and Tiffany Havens present. Chairman Bann opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Ed moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous meeting on March 14, 2022 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Ed moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous special meeting on March 19, 2022 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Ed moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous special meeting on March 30, 2022 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany moved to accept the March financials as presented. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


  •  Sedgwick sent an invoice to represent Deerfield Township on behalf of Ohio Workers’ Compensation in the amount of $945.00 for the year 2023. Ed made a motion to pay the $945 fee and hire Sedgwick as our third party provider. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  •  Board of Elections send a letter of notification of the Primary Election on May 3, 2022 at the Deerfield Town Hall.
  •  OTARMA sent a reminder for the MORE grant application in the amount of $500 by December 31, 2022.
  •  Life Force Management sent an ambulance billing account that is non-collectible and recommended that it be forwarded for collection. Ed made a motion to send the account for collection. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.RESOLUTION 22-16: AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ODOT ROAD SALT CONTRACTS AWARDED IN 2022Ed Dean moved to approve Resolution 22-16,WHEREAS, the Deerfield Township, Portage County (hereinafter referred to as the “Political Subdivision”) hereby submits this written agreement to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) annual road salt bid in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 5513.01(B) and hereby agrees to all of the following terms and conditions in its participation of the ODOT road salt contract:
    1. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions established by ODOT in the road salt contract and acknowledges that upon of award of the contract by the Director of ODOT it shall be bound by all such terms and conditions included in the contract; and
    2. The Political Subdivision hereby acknowledges that upon the Director of 1

ODOT’s signing of the road salt contract, it shall effectively form a contract between the awarded salt supplier and the Political Subdivision; and

c. The Political Subdivision agrees to be solely responsible for resolving all claims or disputes arising out of its participation in the ODOT road salt contract and agrees to hold the Department of Transportation harmless for any claims, actions, expenses, or other damages arising out of the Political Subdivision’s participation in the road salt contract; and

  1. The Political Subdivision’s electronic order for Sodium Chloride (Road Salt) will be 70 tons at the delivered bid price per ton awarded by the Director of ODOT; and
  2. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to purchase a minimum of 90% of its electronically submitted salt quantities from its awarded salt supplier during the contract’s effective period; and
  3. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to place orders with and directly pay the awarded salt supplier on a net 30 basis for all road salt it receives pursuant to ODOT salt contract; and
  4. The Political Subdivision acknowledges that should it wish to rescind this participation agreement it will do so by written, emailed request by no later than Friday, April 29 by 5:00 p.m. The written, emailed request to rescind this participation agreement must be received by the ODOT Office of Contract Sales, Purchasing Section email: Contracts.Purchasing@dot.ohio.gov by the deadline. The Department, upon receipt, will respond that it has received the request and that it has effectively removed the Political Subdivision’s participation request. Furthermore, it is the sole responsibility of the Political Subdivision to ensure ODOT has received this participation agreement as well as the receipt of any request to rescind this participation agreement. The Department shall not be held responsible or liable for failure to receive a Political Subdivision’s participation agreement and/or a Political Subdivision’s request to rescind its participation agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the following authorized person(s) that this participation agreement for the ODOT road salt contract is hereby approved, funding has been authorized, and the Political Subdivision agrees to the above terms and conditions regarding participation on the ODOT salt contract:

Tiffany Havens seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Adopted: April 11, 2022

Mr. Dean Ms. Havens Mr. Bann

Yes Yes Yes


Fire Department: Scott Simmons provided a verbal report for the fire department on activity since the last meeting. The fire department is up to approximately 146 runs for the year, with 26 EMS calls, 0 fires, 3 motor vehicle accidents, 2 service calls & 1 odor investigation.

The fire department is still waiting on the MARCS radios, but they are on order. Also on order is a battery backup for the cable & internet.

The Road Department replaced the pick-up truck battery, which was the original battery.

The ambulance cot repair has been completed & will cost $3,998.89 and $2,168.07 for the control board for a total cost of $6,166.96. Ed made a motion to pay the $6,166.96 for the ambulance cot repairs. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Unit #1426, the pick-up truck needs a siren control and Unit #1411, the ambulance needs two (2) emergency grill lights for an approximate cost of $515.00. Ed made a motion to pay $515 to made the above repairs on the pick up truck and the ambulance. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

A new shelving rack was installed in the back station for cleaning and organization. The total cost was $200 and payable to Nick Lam. They have been working on cleaning up the watch office and reducing the clutter. Scott inquired about the possibility of getting a new floor in the watch office. The Trustees indicated that this is something that can be done in house by the Road Department.

The gravel by the back building is higher than the floor and makes it hard to keep the gravel out of the station. The Road Department indicated this gravel was leveled out today. Scott inquired if they could get estimates for a concrete pad. The Trustees indicated to hold off on this at this time until they get the septic completed. The Fire Department would like the Trustees to provide a budget for the expansion of the back garage.

Andrew Zerkle submitted an application to become a member of the Deerfield Fire Department. He is currently certified in fire and EMS and resides just outside of Deerfield Township in Alliance. Ed moved to accept Andrew’s application on a probationary period of one year. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Bruce Whitcher submitted an application to become a member of the Deerfield Fire Department. He is currently certified in fire and EMS and resides outside of Deerfield Township in Beloit. Mark moved to accept Bruce’s application on a probationary period of one year. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


Tiffany Beeson passed her EMT test.

The 2018 AFG Grant is complete and we should expect the remaining monies this month.

Deerfield Township should hear back on the 2021 AFG Grant in the next few months.

The new cribbing and ice rescue equipment purchased by the Association has been put into service and the Deerfield Fire Department is fully set up currently for ice rescue.

Easter Breakfast was a great success. Scott thanked all who come out to support and also helped volunteer. Past sirenettes were recognized with plaques including Diane Allison for 44 years, Jan Nance for 44 years and Linda Little for 49 years of service.

Road Department: Tiffany moved to pay $10,400, up from approximately $9k previously approved to pay for the repair of the new transmission on the F450. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The Trustees are still working on getting quotes for new dump trucks. Currently, the lead time is approximately 18 months out.

The window in the backhoe broke due to a buildup of salt and rust. Ed moved to pay $370 for the windshield and $155 for the labor to install. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The road department will start patching roads, weather permitting.

Buildings & Grounds: The wooden benches were removed at the ballfieds and new posts were installed with the aluminum benches off the old bleachers for the kids to sit on. Rocks were stacked at the fields and cleaned up. The Trustees intend to put out a bid for the sandstone that will not be used. There is some large pipe the Trustees intend to put up for bid as well.

The planters were purchased for the Deerfield Circle. There are 10 at a cost of approximately $150 each.

The fencing repairs are being done currently at the ballfields. The Trustees intend to shut down the ball due to safety for the week until the repairs are fully completed. Rain is expected this week so shouldn’t be a conflict. Ballfield fencing is expected to be completed by April 19-20th.


The door on the chapel has been ordered and has a 3 week lead time from Carter Lumber. The cemetery association made a donation towards this door.

New Business: No Report.


The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Mark made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.