Special Trustee Meeting- January 15, 2023

Special Trustee Meeting- January 15, 2023

Special Trustee Meeting – January 15, 2023

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met for a special meeting on Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 5:00pm with Trustees Mark Bann and Tiffany Havens present to discuss Deerfield Township Ambulance.

Deerfield Township Fire Chief received one (1) estimate from Ford for a rebuilt engine in the amount of $19,000 plus $6,000 labor with a 4-8 week lead time. Mark made a motion to pay up to $26,000 for repairs. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

In the meantime, Deerfield Township found a loaner ambulance. Mark made a motion to add the loaner ambulance to the insurance. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Per Vaughn’s recommendation, Mark made a motion to pay the grant writer for the grant due on February 14, 2023 for the opportunity to get a new ambulance, if granted. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Mark made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 5:07pm.

______________________________ Chairman

______________________________ Fiscal Officer