Trustee Meeting – April 10, 2023

Trustee Meeting – April 10, 2023

Disclaimer: Video links are posted as a courtesy to our residents and are not owned by Deerfield Township. Videos are recorded by a third party. Be advised that the official meeting minutes are recorded by our Fiscal Officer and approved by the Board of Trustees. These minutes are posted below for your convenience and may be obtained by request from our Fiscal Officer. 

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday, April 10, 2023, at 6:00pm, with Trustees Ed Dean, Tiffany Havens and Mark Bann pre- sent. Chairman Dean opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mark moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the meeting held March 13, 2022 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Bann Yes

Ms. Havens Yes

Mr. Dean. Abstain – Since Absent

Mark moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the special meeting held March 13, 2022 and approve them as written. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Bann Yes

Ms. Havens Yes

Mr. Dean. Abstain – Since Absent

Ed moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the special meeting held March 27, 2022 and approve them as written. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the special meeting held March 29, 2022 and approve them as written. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Bann Yes

Ms. Havens Yes

Mr. Dean. Abstain – Since Absent

Tiffany moved to approve the September financials as presented. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


  •  Southeastern Equipment Company sent a thank you card for stopping at the their booth at the OTA Winter Conference to Ed Dean
  •  The Board of Elections of Portage County, Ohio notified Deerfield Township of the Primary Election to be held at the Deerfield Township Hall on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, open from 6:30am to 7:30pm for voting.

Resolution No. 23-08

Ed Dean moved to adopt a resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT Road Salt Contracts Awarded in 2023 WHEREAS, the Deerfield Township, Portage County (hereinafter referred to as the “Political Subdivision”) hereby submits this written agreement to participate in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) annual road salt bid in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 5513.01(B) and hereby agrees to all of the following terms and conditions in its participation of the ODOT road salt contract:

  1. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions established by ODOT in the road salt contract and acknowledges that upon of award of the contract by the Director of ODOT it shall be bound by all such terms and conditions included in the contract; and
  2. The Political Subdivision hereby acknowledges that upon the Director of ODOT’s signing of the road salt contract, it shall effectively from a contract between the awarded salt supplier and the Political Subdivision; and
  3. The Political Subdivision agrees to be solely responsible for resolving all claims or disputes arising out of its participation in the ODOT road salt contract and agrees to hold the Department of Transportation harmless for any claims, actions, expenses, or other damages arising out of the Political Subdivision’s participation in the road salt contract; and
  4. The Political Subdivision’s electronic order for Sodium Chloride (Road Salt) will be 60 tons, the amount the Political Subdivision agrees to purchase from its awarded salt supplier at the delivered bid price per ton awarded by the Director of ODOT; and
  5. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to purchase a minimum of 90% of its electronically submitted salt quantities from its awarded salt supplier during the contract’s effective period; and
  6. The Political Subdivision hereby agrees to place orders with and directly pay the awarded salt supplier on a net 30 basis for all road salt it receives pursuant to ODOT salt contract; and
  7. The Political Subdivision acknowledges that should it wish to rescind this participation agreement it will do so by written emailed request by no later than Monday, May 1st, by 5:00pm. The written emailed request to rescind this participation agreement must be received by the ODOT Office of Contract Sales, Purchasing Section email: Contracts.Purchasing@DOT.Ohio.Gov by the deadline. The Department, upon receipt, will respond that it has received the request and that it has effectively removed the Political Subdivision’s participation request. Furthermore, it is the sole responsibility of the Political Subdivision to ensure ODOT has received this participation agreement as well as the receipt of any request to rescind this participation agreement. The Department shall not be held responsible or liable for failure to receive a Political Subdivision’s participation agreement and/or a Political Subdivision’s request to rescind its participation agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the following authorized person (s) that this participation agreement for the ODOT road salt contract is hereby approved, funding has been authorized, and the Political Subdivision agrees to the above terms and conditions regarding participation on the ODOT salt contract.

Mark Bann seconded the motion and the roll call vote was as follows:

Mr. Dean Yes
Mr. Bann Yes
Mrs. Havens Yes

Adopted: April 10, 2023

  •  Tiffany made a motion to pay the $995 annual fee to Sedgwick to manage Deerfield Township’s workers’ compensation services for the annual contract beginning 07/01/2023 for the policy year group rating enrollment for the policy year January 1-December 31, 2024. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Tiffany reminded the audience members of the Recycling Event coming up on April 22nd where tires, paints, electronics, etc. will be collected.
  • Fire Department: Chief Vaughn Sutcliffe provided a verbal report for the fire department on activity since the last meeting. The fire department is up to approximately 146 runs for the year, with 56 ran since the last meeting, which includes 29 EMS calls, 4 fires, 11 road hazards, 1 mutual aid, 4 public assists 4 smoke/fire investigations and 3 burning complaints.Vaughn reminded residents no burning is permitted from 6am to 6pm through the end of May.Unit #1411, the ambulance is back in service. The total final cost was $17,325.45 to replace the engine. The loaner ambulance from Hartville has been returned. Vaughn requested from the Trustees to approve having lunch catered to the Hartville Fire Department as a thank you for use of the ambulance with a declaration of thanks or gratitude. The rental companies cost to rent an ambulance are approximately $170 per day and we had Hartville’s unit free of charge for almost 3 months. Tiffany made a motion to have lunch catered from Hartville Kitchen plus get a token of appreciation for the Hartville Fire Department at a cost up to $250. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.The mini pumper had a transmission line blow. It was sent out and back in service. The brakes were also repaired, which were giving the Fire Department problems. Ed made a motion to pay K&D Trucking up to $1,500 for these emergency repairs. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.Fascia has blown off the back of the front fire station and needs to be repaired. 3

Vaughn inquired about his 1st rough draft for a training reimbursement policy he submitted to them. He would like to get their feedback asap so that he can ask the prosecutor to review.

All members are up to date on the fit test for the SCBA Grant.

Mark made a motion to pay both the Portage County Urban Search and Rescue Team $56.76 and the Portage County Hazardous Materials Response Team $595.98 for each of these renewals. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Vaughn asked each trustee to provide him with their cell carriers in order to get them hooked up with the new dispatch for calls.

Vaughn and Nick has the CGS Medicare Data Collection complete and ready to submit. He will get with Kristy, the Fiscal Officer to finalize.

Vaughn submitted an invoice for the FIT Test Machine that was purchased with the AFG Grant in the amount of $10,160. Once this is paid, the AFG grant can be closed out for reimbursement to Deerfield Township.

The Easter Breakfast with the Easter Bunny was a success with a special thank you to Kelli Simmons, Katherine Abbuhl and Angela Lam, among other fire members and high school students that volunteered their time to cook and serve the breakfast. There were a total of forty-five (45) baskets raffled off and raised approximately $4,000. Vaughn thanked the community for their support.

Next event will be the Memorial Day procession to the cemetery held Monday, May 29, 2023 at 9:00am. Line up at the Fire Station will begin at 8:30am.

Vaughn turned the meeting over to Assistant Fire Chief Scott Simmons to discuss the grants and recent donations.

Scott started with thanking the Deerfield Fire Sirenettes for holding the Easter Bunny Breakfast & the Deerfield Fire Association for the Gift Certificate Raffle as well as contributors Deerfield Farms and the Mogadore VFW for their generous donations. Together, they were able to raise the funds for the Jaws of Life.

The Federal AFG grant raised $130,000 to replace the out of date air packs with thirteen (13) new air packs which allows the fireman to breathe in smoke filled environments and the FIT Test Machine & adaptors.

The ODNR Grant raised $10,000 to purchase a 4×4 UTV wildland fire vehicle, which will have a 65 gallon tank, 6.5 hp pump, and a 50’ hose reel to take into the hard to reach places with the current apparatus.

The Ohio BWC Grant raised $40,000 to purchase a new hydraulic powered cot and load system to save members backs and keep members free from injuries.

The Federal SAFER Grant for $500,000 has just been awarded to Deerfield Township to be used for recruitment and retention. This grant covers a four (4) year plan. Year One will allow Deerfield Township to hire three (3) part time firefighters. If they have no certifications, it has the ability to send them to get certified FF1 and/or EMT School. Scott explained the different levels of classifications. The grant includes $10,000 towards a day/bunk room. The grant includes a $15,000 LED digital sign to advertise help needed, to change batteries in signs & volunteers needed, etc. It will pay for advanced firefighter classes at a cost of $5,000/year for the next 4 years. The grant includes $3,200 for a large screen TV & computer for training. The grant includes $19,000 for three (3) members per year to attend paramedic school & firefighter II school for a total of twelve (12) over a four (4) year period. It allows a $5,700 college tuition assistance. Criminal background checks and physicals can be paid for through this grant. Uniforms can be purchased up to $3,000 per year.

In summary, the Department has raised over $700,000 in grants in donations.

Currently, the Fire Department is waiting on the status of the Federal AFG Grant in the amount of $300,000, which is for the purpose to purchase a new ambulance.

Scott indicated at the February 13, 2023 meeting, the Trustees agreed on minimum requirements for the hiring of the new Fire Chief and to post in the newspaper. Since then, there were seven (7) total applicants, six (6) total interviewed, with three (3) advancing onto second interviews. Scott indicated that Mr. Scott Dean, of which the Trustees voted on to hire does not qualify & meet the minimum requirements per the position requirements approved at a previous meeting since he does not hold the FireFighter I qualification. He held a FF-Basic in 1992 & 1996 and not again since. He currently only has the entry level 36 hour volunteer certification. You should have up to 101 hours of training. Scott Simmons feels that you should have diver rescue training since Deerfield Township has one of the largest lakes in the county. There was a short discussion as to whether more incidents are rescue vs. recovery. With that said, Scott Simmons asked the Deerfield Township Trustees to rescind their decision to hire Scott Dean as the next Fire Chief.

Ed Dean introduced Scott Dean to stand up and introduce himself at the meeting. He is currently the owner/operator of Dean’s Funeral Home. He’s a retired Alliance Police Officer and held the Fire Chief of the Village of Beloit for seven (7) years of his 22 years served. Beloit is a volunteer department with some paid members. He is currently a firefighter paramedic with Sebring Fire Department. He also has involvement with the Smith Township Fire Department. He graduated from West Branch High School in 1986 and Thiel College in 1990 with an associate’s degree in Business Administration. He is a 2014 graduate of the University of Phoenix with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. In 1985, he took his 36 hour fire class from the Mahoning County Career Center. In 1986, he graduated as an EMT-B from Aultman Hospital. In 1990, he completed his paramedic training. In 1992, he graduated from Hepco West for Level I B class, which increased his credentials from a 36-hour to the 120 hour. In 1994, he graduated from police academy. He has thirty-eight (38) total years of fire training.

There was a heated discussion between Mark Bann and Scott Simmons.

Ed Dean said that the Trustees do not wish to rescind their decision at this time. He has spoken with the Portage County Prosecutor and he feels they have made a legal decision. Mark Bann said that he would be available to any residents in private to discuss his decision of Scott Dean over Scott Simmons.

Residents expressed frustration with the decision not to hire Scott Simmons as the next fire chief.

Chuck Little said that he heard a rumor that the reason Scott Simmons was not hired was because it would cause a wedge between the Trustees and the Deerfield Fire Department. Chuck said he felt the wedge between the Trustees and Fire Department is Mark Bann. He said he felt that he disrespected him at previous meeting when he tried to educate the Trustees on what he felt the Department needed.

Stephanie Barringer asked Scott Dean some questions.

The new side by side needs the wench installed. The Department is waiting on brackets.

The tanker needs valves repaired.

The ambulance cot is in working order.

Road Department: The Road Department has been working on tree clean-up and several hours of clean up.

Ed made a motion to rent a chipper at a cost of $200/day, up to $400. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Buildings & Grounds/Cemeteries:

Ed made a motion to rent a lift at a cost of $195/day to fix the fascia on the Fire Department. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The Trustees have asked the Cemetery Association to help in the purchase of gravel. They have a meeting coming up & thinks they will approve.

Ed made a motion to resume trash service at the ballfields and the cemeteries with Conrads Disposal. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Ed made a motion to rent a handicap porta pot at a cost of $200/month from Steve’s. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote is unanimous. This service will be cleaned out 1x per week.

The Road crew has put the monument back up from the accident at the Deerfield Circle a couple months back.

The lights at the Deerfield Town Hall will be put in the upcoming weeks.

Ed made a motion to purchase lawn products including fertilizer, lime, grass seed, spray, etc. up to $1,200. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The driveway at the ballfields is narrow and only one way. Ed made a motion to purchase $1,200 of stone to widen the main drive road to the parking area. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Ed made a motion to purchase #9 stone for the driveways to top dress the Deerfield and Hartzell Cemeteries at a cost up to $6,000. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tiffany mentioned they are contracting with SYSBA again this year. They will pitch in for the dumpster. Deerfield Township will pay 1/3, Southeast Soccer will pay 1/3 and SYSBA will pay the remaining 1/3 for the dumpster. Deerfield Township will be providing one (1) porta pot. Any additional needed will needed to be provided by the associations. Tiffany made a motion to approve the dumpster at $90 per month and ask the associations to split the cost 1/3 each. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Mark made a motion to accept the contracts with Southeast Soccer and SYSBA. Ed seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tiffany made a motion to purchase sixty (60) plants in three (3) colors & fifty (50) patriot red for the cemetery association at a cost of $2.20 each for a total cost of $132. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous. Flowers will be planted on May 20, 2023 at 8:30am. Volunteers are welcome.

Ed made a motion to allow the Deerfield Community Chorus to use the Deerfield Town Hall free of charge on both Saturday and Sunday July 8-9, 2023. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Residents asked various questions & made various comments about current events.

Ed made a motion to hold a 2nd regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 24, 2023 at 6:00pm. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The fuel station is breaking ground. They will be attending the next Civics Association meeting to speak.

New Business: Donn Zebosky attended the meeting to discuss the complaints for the new business located at 10175 State Route 224.

Revenues received: See Revenue Receipt Register attached.

The following bills were presented for Trustees’ inspection and approval: See Payment Register attached.

Ed made a motion to pay these bills and adjourn the meeting. Mark seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 7:17pm.