Trustee Meeting – April 8, 2024

Trustee Meeting – April 8, 2024

Disclaimer: Video Links are posted as a courtesy to our residents and are not owned by Deerfield Township. Videos are recorded by a third party. Be advised that the official meeting minutes are recorded by our Fiscal Officer and approved by the Board of Trustees. These minutes are posted below for your convenience or may be obtained by request from our Fiscal Officer. 

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday April 8, 2024 at 6:07pm, with Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present. Tiffany opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Tiffany moved to accept the March 11,2024 meeting minutes as written Laura seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.


Ed advised we did not receive the correct fenders for the trailer from the Leonard Truck and Trailer after they had already cashed the check.Leonard Truck and Trailer will advise of discrepancy of charges if necessary by next meeting.

Ed made a motion to accept the financial pending a small adjustment might have to be made, Tiffany seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.


 Ed made a motion to pay the workmans comp affiliate renewal with sedgwick, in the amount of $1045.00. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Portage County Regional Planning sent a notice of a replatt in Kirkbride allotment. They are having a public meeting to advise of the changes with replotting.

Public Commentary:

Kenny Dreese publicly thanked Deerfield Fire Department Jason, Kayleigh and Chief Dean for their quick response and life saving efforts when he suffered a massive heart attack.

Road Department:

 Ed made a motion to approve reimbursement to Gary for charges for tool boxes, wiring, electronic components etc. put on his personal credit card for needed repairs on the township truck to prepare for the upcoming mowing season. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Tj came back to work today.

Preparing for upcoming season to mow and road repairs. Tiffany made the motion to take the Ford F350 to K&D Trucking for diagnostics, Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

 Tiffany made a motion to accept Gary’s resignation,Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.  Laura mentioned Southeast soccer will not be using the fields this year due to lack of participation.Buildings & Grounds:

 Ed announced that the Cemetery Association voted to tear off existing shingles and replace roofs on both chapels at Deerfield and Hartzell cemetery. Mike Kimble’s business gave them a quote $9000.00 for both chapels with a discount on top of that for $2500.00 with the cost due will be $6500.00. Ed Thanked the Cemetery Association, Ed made a motion to accept the donation from the Cemetery Association, Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

 Tiffany made a motion to get flowers from Dehoffs for flowers Township will write the check and the Cemetery will reimburse for 50 flowers. Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

 Tiffany made a motion to accept refinishing floors striping and sealing Town Hall in the amount of $2800.00 to be done on May 11 & 12 2024 and Ed seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Road Department:

 Ed went back to the road department OSHA approved harness and lanyard needed for tractor for hanging banners and flower baskets etc.. Ed made the motion to purchase at $400-$450 Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Fire Department:

Chief Dean provided a verbal report on the activity for the month of March. The Fire Department had 29 calls, 21 medical, 3 fire calls, 3 service calls, 3 motor vehicle accidents totaling 77 calls for the year.

Dean said that engine 14 is blowing oil Ed made the motion for K&D trucking to repair Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.
2 officer positions open for EMT Lt. Kayleigh Upole Fire Lt. Todd Bardelli Ed made the motion to approve Laura seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous. Chief Dean Thanked the new officers.

Mark Bann donated a prop for the boat, keeping the old prop for spare. Tiffany to follow up on suspended employee status..

 John Girscht pumper should be put out of service Ed & or Scott to call K&D to verify

 Tiffany announced Chuck Little and Tim McCoy retirement party 2-4 Sunday town hall

 Ed asked for the Fire Department to take over line up for the Memorial Day parade.

 Ed shared plans for Fire Department renovations.

 Laura made a motion to move forward with the architect, Ed seconded and the roll call vote wasunanimous.

 Tiffany to reach out and see about a hard copy of drug and alcohol testing policy from Derek.

 Due to records and lack of storage Ed made a motion to remove everything being stored at theTown Hall that is not property of Deerfield Township Tiffany seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous. Tiffany will draft the letter to Bill and leave in the office for Laura and Ed to sign.Public Commentary:

 Walt asks about the chip and seal on Watson. Ed Said Fewtown is for sure on the list for chip and seal not sure if Watson is in the budget will have to revisit.

 Emmy voices her concern of previous issues with the Fire Department and questions why we are expanding the building at the Fire Department if we don’t have anyone at the Fire Department. Ed explained that we have 6-7 new Fire Department members. Tiffany added that this update/ addition will add basic necessities that had always been part of the plan. Ed also included that the septic system is substandard and that the water is cistern and is not drinkable, this update will include new septic and a well.Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting Ed seconded and the roll call vote was unanimous.


Tiffany Havens



Laura Lindberg



Ed Dean



Tracey Dean
Fiscal Officer