Trustee Meeting – August 12, 2024

Trustee Meeting – August 12, 2024

The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday August 12, 2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with

Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.

  • Tiffany called the meeting to order and opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Tiffany Introduced Portage County Treasurer John Kennedy as guest speaker.

  • John Kennedy explained the brochure he brought and handed out that covers the Growlink Program including loans for 1-3% below market on interest rates for homes and business.

  John Kennedy touched base on the material he handed out about the CAI-JV                                 Program for tax reductions for farms. He also mentioned citizens 65 and older could apply for homestead exemption as a tax reduction. John also mentioned that he’s available for questions and thanked everyone

  • Tiffany stated that if anyone wanted material that they would have it available to reach out.


  • Tiffany made a motion to accept the financials as they are, Laura seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Ed made a motion to approve the July 8th budget meeting minutes, Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Tiffany stated that there were additional corrections that she noted on the July 8th meeting minutes, she provided a copy with notes for Tracey to look over.

         Tlffany stated there were conversations that had gotten overlooked on the July 22nd   meeting minutes and provided Tracey with a copy of the minutes with notes to look    over. Laura stated that the only issue she had with the minutes is to add last names.

  • Laura thanked the Deerfield residents for contacting ODOT for all of the accidents that have taken place at the circle. Laura also read the email she received from Rebecca Able from ODOT states after their study they concluded that they will be upsizing and replacing the current Stop signs. At this time ODOT does not recommend flashing LED stop signs.
  • Laura also stated that ODOT installed CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP signs at the skating rink intersection on Alliance Rd. and 225.
  • Tiffany Thanked Kyle who happened to be at the Family Dollar store, for cutting up the tree that fell in the Deerfield Circle during rush hour traffic. Tlffany thanked him and said it’s nice when someone who lives in our community just stops what he’s doing and helps.  Tiffany also thanked Lake Erie Construction for opening up a lane while the tree was down.

Public Commentary:

  • Brian Kelderhouse presented trustees with a public records request for the copies of the formal complaint against him and all the evidence that has been presented, along with the final report on the investigation from Attorney Greg Beck Office. Brian asked for this to be provided before August 26th.Tiffany stated that they will address it as soon as possible.

Road Department:

  • Tim Suderman stated ditching was done on Watson Rd. 1 culvert still needs to be replaced prior to any prep for chip and seal work on that road.
  • Few other roads are being prepped before the asphalt happens as well.
  • Tim requested 12 additional loads of asphalt from being behind last season. There are some areas that will require being built up prior to work being done.
  • Ed made a motion to provide 12 loads at minimum for road patch material asphalt Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
  • Miller Contracting provided Ed with an update for the salt shed, the structure and the roof would arrive to them on the week of August 19th.
  • The insurance agent from OTARMA did an inspection and has requested the plastic safety gas cans be updated to steel or metal. 3 additional cans will need to be purchased. Also requested an 18″x 5ft spark resistant plate be welded in between the oxygen tanks.

              Fuel tank for F350 is done, price is $85.00 Ed will be picking it up and asking for reimbursement due to the repair company not taking credit card.

  • Only 2 bids that were turned for the Bandy Rd. project. Phillips Paving provided a bid of

$295, 185.00. Barbacus Construction Company $331 ,576.OO

Fire Department:

Tiffany announced the report from the month 40- calls 29- medical 3-fire 5- service calls 2-MVA, 1- water call, 235 total calls to date.

The trustees agreed to replace the door alarm at the station in the amount $50.00 Engine tarp has been made and on Engine 14, the bill in the amount of $450.00 was given to the Fiscal Officer for payment.

Contributions to Barb and Clair’s retirement party were discussed and Trustees agreed they would contribute. Clair has dedicated 40 years in fire service, Tiffany thanked them both. More details to come for the party after The Fire Department Association meeting at our next meeting.

Tanker 14 had an emergency and needed new batteries, Ed made a motion to pay Hestands Auto Parts for the batteries when the bill is received. Laura seconded , Tiffany said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.

Squad 14 is pulling again and needs to go to Fairway Ford for repairs. Trustees decided to call around for bids to repair the issues.

Lucas Freyn applied for Jr. Fireman and Tiffany thanked him for his interest and agreed she’s very much for Lucas joining after policies have been put into place and checking into liability of it all before he starts a shift.

Kayleigh Upole has been accepted into medic school and would like to use grant money for payment. Total $6000.00and books will be $400.49 waiting on total bill. Ed made a motion to allow Kayleigh to enter into the upcoming class and use the grant money to pay with the grant. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.

Todd Bardelli is requesting grant money for officer training totaling $850.00. Tiffany requested more information at the next meeting.

An audience member asked for metal gas cans to be replaced at the Fire Station as well, the trustees agreed.

Tiffany asked Todd about the status of SOP’S and the SOG’S Todd stated that the committee is making progress to finish them efficiently and correctly.

Tiffany stated that she wanted to make sure that it was a process where others’ opinions will be taken into consideration.

Tiffany delivered 4 pulsox machines to the fire department all are working and good to go.

Old Business

                                      Tiffany reminded all employees to please complete fraud training.

New Business

 Tiffany stated that there was a freedom of information request and they weren’t getting what was being requested so they were referred back to Tiffany. Tiffany stated that Scott had the email that was being inquired about and we would have to refer back to Scott to get a copy of that email.

Public Commentary

A Resident named Tawnya Cheuvront read a statement of her opinion on the past few meetings of what has been happening in Deerfield. She also made comments about Laura being overlooked and not informed of the certain situations because she’s a woman. During her statement she addressed Ed and said he was being sneaky with the handling of the certified complaint against Tiffany.

Ed did respond that yes he did pick up the Cheifs mail at the post office Friday afternoon and was presented to sign for the trustees certified letter. Ed also stated that he text the group text with all trustees involved that same time and stated I need you both to call me at your earliest convenience. It’s important and neither of them responded. He also made them their own copy in a sealed envelope in their mailbox. Ed stated he wasn’t going to the meeting on Monday and not be prepared.

Dan Young asked if he could voice a question that was posted on his livestream. Ed encouraged the person to attend a meeting. Tiffany said a letter or in person is fine.

 An audience member asked if redoing the lights in the circle could make a difference 

Another audience member asked if we were able to  negotiate with ODOT to get them to pay a percentage of the LED stop signs and the town the other.

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded, Ed said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.

The Civics Association needs help for the Apple Butter peel is September 20th a the Festival September 21st.

Tiffany reminded everyone of the meeting August 26th.

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Laura seconded. Ed said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.