The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met in regular session on Monday September 09,,
2024 6:00 pm, at the Deerfield Town Hall with
Trustees Charles “Ed” Dean, Laura Lindberg and Tiffany Havens present.
● Tiffany opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
● Tiffany made a motion to approve the August 2024 Financials, Laura
seconded and Ed said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous .
● Tiffany mentioned issues that she has with the minutes and she felt conversations were
being omitted and inconsistent in the July 8th meeting minutes and also stated she feels things
are biased based on a husband and wife both working for the township.
● Ed stated that he had spoken with the township Prosecutor Brett Bencze who confirmed
that as long as there was a legal recording that anyone could request a copy of the audio.
● Tracey stated that she only has to record financials, motions and votes, not commentary
or hearsay.
● Ed made the motion to approve the July 8th 2024 minutes after discussion the board
decided to table the motion.
● Tiffany approved the July 22nd meeting minutes, Ed seconded Laura said yes and the
roll call vote was unanimous.
● Ed made a motion to accept the August 12th meeting minutes, TIffany voted no and
Laura voted yes contingent upon her conversation with Prosecutor Brett Bencze. This motion will
be revisited in the next meeting.
● Laura made a motion to accept the meeting minutes for August 26th 2024, Ed seconded
and Tiffany said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany shared that all the township employees should have completed fraud training.
● Tiffany announced that due to Mr. Kelderhouse’s Attorney not being available the hearing
was to be rescheduled at a later date to be announced.
Public Commentary:
● Denise Adams read a written statement regarding an altercation that happened before
the previous township meeting and urged community members to get along and be
● Lindsay Davis asked about the records retention policy and Ed stated that there wasn’t a
policy in place so therefore all records are still being retained.
Road Department:
● Ed made a motion to spend up to $2,000 for additions (running boards, lights, ect.) to the
2019 F250 Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Notman road will be closed September 10th 7:30-3:30 for culvert replacement by the
Portage County Engineer.
● Ed made a motion to approve up to $2500.00 International Workstar dump truck for
service, axle leak, air leak repair, oil change. Laura seconded and Tiffany said yes. The
roll call vote was unanimous.
● The chip and seal company should be out within the week at German Church between
Band and Watson Rd. and Wagner Rd. between 14 and Johnson. Watson from 224 to
● Bandy/ Fewtown resurface is scheduled to start the week of the 16th.Chip on this will not
be done till spring due to running out of time temperature wise.
● Tim got in contact with the farm that planted that field at Johnson Wagner intersection;
they will try to avoid planting that close to the easement next year.
● PortageCounty Engineer’s office provided an addition to the contract for ca/ci services for
the Bandy Rd & Fewtown Rd resurfacing. Total $10,608. Deerfield Township only being
responsible for $5,304.00 as the 50% is being paid through the Ohio Public Works Grant.
● Ed made a motion to pay the $5,304 Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call
vote was unanimous.
● Tim brought up hiring another employee for the road department and all agreed for Ed to
write up the job posting.
● Tim requested a 33% raise which is ⅓ of the previous full time employees wage.
● Ed suggested a 25% raise retroactive to the day Roger( previous full time employee) quit.
And then after the organizational meeting to give Tim a more substantial raise to get
closer to the number Tim is requesting.
● Ed made a motion to increase Tim’s wages 25%immediately with retroactive pay to the
date Roger quit and revisit his wage again after the organizational meeting in January.
Tiffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
● Tiffany revisited issues and asked for updates from the culvert on German Church
brought up by Eileen Kutinski at the last meeting. Ed stated that he met with the
Lexington township trustees along with the road superintendent, and they will complete
the excavating to fix the issue.
● 1 cremation burial since last meeting.
● Weed eating completed Friday
● Little green Chevy is going to auction.
● Laura mentioned having an appointment with Raelynn’s Tree Service Monday at 9 am for
assessment at Deerfield and Hartzell Rd.
Buildings & Grounds:
● Parking lot seal crew started sealing cracks today and will set a date to finish sealing.
● Tiffany announced that the township calendar on the township website now reflects the
dates that the town hall is reserved and is updated as it is being booked.
● Tim brought up the privacy fence where the shrubs are between the Circle restaurant and
the fire department. Tiffany gave Tim a bid she received for fencing. Tim was going to
reach out for a few additional bids.
● Tiffany revisited the stump removal near the old town hall. Tim is going to reach out to
ODOT to see if the stump is in ODOT’s right of way and if it is can it be removed.
● Gazebo is still at the same status, some bills have been paid. Ed stated he spoke with
the architect and the architect keeps stating they will be done soon.
● Chris Sutcliffe to start working on the monument within the next week.
Fire Department:
● Chief Dean announced 14 medical, 4 fire, service 4, mva 3, 257 total calls year to date.
● Tanker 14 valves were repaired, checking the drop tank should be done by next week.
● Squad 14 the parts have to be ordered through Pfund and they need the axle codes,
chassis vins etc. to check availability with the manufacturer. Check engine light on the
squad was an ambient air temperature sensor.
● Chief Day has filed paperwork for SAMS waiting on approval confirmation.
● There was discussion on a few possible options for a new grant writer, options to be
evaluated and revisited at a later date.
● Yearly ladders and SCBA and trucks pump testing to be done in the near future.
● Ed made a motion for the Aerial Guy to test the ladders Tiffany seconded and Laura said
yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Chief Dean to contact the Paris Township Fire Chief for pump testing recommendations.
● Chief Dean voiced concerns about the Cadet program. Tiffany stated that she did
receive information from Workman’s Compensation every cadet would have to have a
form and pay a premium of $300 per cadet. Tiffany discussed the liability release for
medical authorization signed by a legal guardian.Chief Dean stated that OTARMA was
to provide information on what is allowed by the cadets.
● Chief Dean addressed misinformation about the maintenance program for the squad
and tankers. Chief Dean stated in 2023 the fire department spent $33,000 on
● Tick thermal engine camera $3,175 credit for $1,359 amount would be $1,815.
● Tiffany made the motion to purchase the TIck thermal camera in the amount of $1815
Ed seconded and Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Chief Dean announced that they are applying for a grant to replace 12 portable radios.
● Tiffany made a motion to allow Brian Allison to proceed with the county grant to replace
12 radios. Laura seconded and Ed said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Scott requested department emails.
● Tiffany spoke with Bruce Carol who does the township website and he agreed to set up
department emails through Go daddy for less than $300 in a couple of weeks.
● Ed made the motion to have Bruce Carol to set up department emails on Go daddy
TIffany seconded and Laura said yes and the roll call vote was unanimous.
● Chief Dean and Assistant Chief Day requested a cell phone.
● Ed made a motion that cell phones be provided for Chief Dean and Assistant Chief Day.
TIffany seconded and Laura said yes. The roll call vote was unanimous.
Public Commentary:
Tiffany made a motion to adjourn the meeting and pay bills Ed seconded, Laura said yes and the roll call
vote was unanimous.
________________________ ________________________
Tiffany Havens Ed Dean
Chairperson Trustee
________________________ ________________________
Laura Lindberg Tracey Dean
Trustee Fiscal Officer