Special Trustee Meeting – June 27, 2022
The Board of Deerfield Township Trustees met for a special meeting on Monday, June 27, 2022 at 6:00pm with Trustees Mark Bann, Charles “Ed” Dean and Tiffany Havens present to discuss
The Trustees received bids from three (3) total companies. Tiffany put together an analysis for the Trustees to review in different scenarios to aid in making their decision. Mark made a motion to award Deerfield Exteriors & Renovations, LLC the roof replacement on the Road Department Maintenance Garage at a cost of $16,800, the roof replacement at the concession pavilion building at the ballfields at a cost of $7,000 and the roof replacement on the Old Town Hall at a cost of $6,000, which does not include labor since Mike Kemble indicated he would donate the labor on the Old Town Hall permitting he was awarded all three (3) roofs. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
A member of the Deerfield Historical Society requested a slate gray color for the roof on the Old Town Hall.
Ed made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tiffany seconded the motion and the roll call vote was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 6:05pm.