Plant Swap

Plant Swap

The annual Deerfield area Plant Swap is coming up on Saturday, May 21st! If you are a gardener or plant lover you know how the price of things has gone up (like everything else). This is an opportunity to share your plants in exchange for other plants. It also gives us gardening types the opportunity to ‘talk plants’. We trade in everything plant related. This happens at Deerfield Marketplace 8550 Rt 224 between the circle and the skating rink. Set up/sign in begins at 10 am and the swap starts at 11 am. It is a Round Robin type event so it goes quickly once started. Have more plants than you want to trade than you want to take home? Donate them so beginning gardeners can swap, sell them, or just share them for free. Stop in at the Marketplace for a flyer or ask any questions you may have here. If you have been before or know someone that has you know it is a good time for the green thumb minded.